hecklist for closing the Hall after rental
General information
- Cleaning supplies are in the Janitors room (first door after Men’s room)
- Turn the heat/ air conditioner off if you plan to open the doors for an extended period of time.
- Sweep the floor of the area you used, including washrooms. Mop up spills as needed.
- Take all your food and kitchen waste, garbage and recycling with you! You will be charged per bag and for the time required to take care of your waste.
- For general information for special events, large events and new users see the reverse side.
- Return tables and chairs to original places
- Quick sweep if needed
- Turn off coffee makers, empty coffee grounds into bucket under sink, rinse out pots
- Rinse used mugs, put into dishwasher (turn on if full)
- Securely close patio doors
- Turn heat to 12 and lights off
- Check bathrooms – flush toilets with paper in them, turn heat down to 12 and lights out
- Turn off any other lights (including outside lights) and lock the Hall front door as you leave
Main Hall
- Tables and chairs put away
- Quick sweep/ mop of floor if necessary
- Check bathrooms – flush toilets with paper in them, turn heat down to 12 and lights out
- Securely close all doors to the outside
- Turn off any other lights (including outside lights) and lock the Hall front door as you leave
Upper Hall
- Tables and chairs put away
- Quick sweep/ mop of floor if necessary
- Turn heat to 12 and lights off
- Securely close all doors to the outside
- Check bathrooms – flush toilets with paper in them, turn heat down to 12 and lights out
- Turn off any other lights (including outside lights) and lock the Hall front door as you leave
- Clean counter tops, stove tops, stove grill, sink
- Dishes, cutlery, glasses, pots and pans etc. are washed and put away
- Sweep floor
- Turn off the gas valve to the stove
- Unplug the fridge and leave one door ajar
- Turn off the 2 breaker switches to the sterilizer
- Drain water out of the sterilizer
- Dead bolt is locked on the door to the outside
- Turn heat and lights off
- Lock the kitchen
- Turn off any other lights (including outside lights) and lock the Hall front door as you leave
Information for special events, large events and new users
General information
- Cleaning supplies are in the Janitors room (first door after Men’s room)
- Turn the heat/ air conditioner off if you plan to open the doors for an extended period of time.
- Sweep the floor of the areas you used, including washrooms. Mop up spills as needed.
- Take all your food and kitchen waste, garbage and recycling with you! You will be charged per bag and for the time required to take care of your waste.
- For an area by area closing list see the reverse side
Tea towels etc. – take home what you use, launder, fold and return to Hall
Washrooms, toilets and sinks need to be left reasonably clean
Return tables to where they are normally stored
8’ wood tables are leaned against each other in the back left corner of the storage room (2 even rows are best, 1 long row against the wall is okay too). 6’ plastic tables leaned against the 8’ tables
Return chairs to where they are normally stored
- Blue chairs are stacked 8 – 10 high under the stairs
- Black chairs stay upstairs and are stacked 6 – 8 high along the side of the Hall
- Green chairs stay in the Lounge and can be stacked or set out like a diner
- Plastic patio chairs stay outside and can be stacked or set out like a diner
Lights – Location of light switches
- Upper hall – light panel is just outside the bathroom
- Main hall – light panel is on the wall just before the corner to the men’s washroom
- Lounge – inside the door to the left
- Bathrooms –inside the doors
- External lights – at entrance of the hall just inside the main door are lights for:
- 1. Totem poles 2. Parking lot lights 3. Entry hanging lights 4. Entry wall lights
Heat/ air conditioner
We keep the hall heat set at a minimum of 12 Celsius for the health of the building and for ease in reaching a comfortable heat level when in use. The doors and windows must be closed for the heat and air conditioner to work properly. If you open the doors turn off the heat/ cool system.
- Unplug any special appliances you used (coffee maker, kettle, crock pot)
- The Bunn Coffee machine needn’t be unplugged, the on/ off switch is on the back; down is off.
Additional cleaning
If you leave the hall in an unreasonable condition you will be charged an hourly rate for unusual cleaning costs.
Audio visual equipment
If the audio or visual equipment has been used and is found to have been altered in any way, you will be charged an hourly rate for returning the equipment to its original condition.